One for the Poker Fans, One for the Life Fans...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

This should please the poker fans, but it's not really about poker. I'm going to use some poker terminology, but for the average reader, I'm going to give a brief explanation.

1) Poker is a game of percentages. No matter how far ahead you are in a hand, there is almost always a chance you will lose.

2) Often times losing happens as a result of "getting two-outered," meaning that your opponent only has two outs - two cards left in the deck that will help him or he - and he or she hits it.

3) One of the keys to poker is to "get your money in good" or "get your money in with the best of it." This means that you want to wager all of your money when you have a mathematical advantage against your opponent (see #2).

4) Losing a hand after having a mathematical advantage, possibly to a two-outer, is often times referred to as a "bad beat."

5) "Bad beats" are the second most dreaded thing in poker.

6) The first most dreaded thing in all of poker is a bad beat story.

This is a life bad beat story...and it even involves a couple of pro poker players.

Last night I went out with a few good friends, a few professional poker players, and some who are both. We sat around a table, drank, and bantered, so, for all intents and purposes we were playing a game. It was the game...the game of....the game of life. What we're gonna do though, is we're going to trick it out. Metaphor style. I guess since I explained poker to the normal people, I should explain a metaphor to the poker illiterates...

met·a·phor [met-uh-fawr, -fer] –noun
1.a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance

I'm seeing a lot of blank looks. Even with the definition. So, I'm going to spell it out for you. It's a poker game, but it's also about what guys do in bars - try to score chicks. If last night's final table were to be televised, with hole cams and all that jazz, it would have gone down like this:

Seat 1 - Rif - my college roommate.
Not good at picking up chicks. Worse at poker. Oblivious to both.
Strengths: Drunk driving, cockblocking

Seat 2 - Joseph Matthew Sebok - professional poker player.
Excellent with the ladies. Excellent at poker. Completely aware of both.
Strengths: Bankroll, cockblocking you without you knowing or caring
(Like a sniper who picks you off with happy-bullets)

Seat 3 - Scott Huff - former professional poker (writer).
Has a girlfriend. Dead from the waist down, and when she's in town, also from the neck up.
Strengths: "Hot Chicks" aren't required for a good time., clutch in the pocket

Seat 4 - Jeff Madsen - rookie professional poker player.**
**Not much experience with him. Seems amiable. Laughs at my jokes, which is important.
Strengths: Unknown (but keep reading, maybe you'll find out).

Seat 5 - Joe Stapleton - professional blog writer.
Perpetually single. Head on a swivel. Wants someone to cuddle with on Sunday nights, but settles for one-nighters.
Strengths: Balls, wit, high credit limit
N.B. - Wit can sometimes be a major weakness depending on her intelligence level.

The Hole Cards:

Rif -

The "Manhattan" Card - Rif finds a way to mention the fact that he's from Manhattan with little or no prompting. For some reason, this actually works sometimes.

The "Me Too" Card - Anything any girl has ever done or ever mentions for any reason, Rif finds a way to work himself into (see use below).

Sebok -

The "Bored" Card - No girls in the bar over a 9.5, so Sebok's attention is fleeting at best.

The "Text" Card - Sebok's already texting to god-knows-how-much strange already. Again, no attention being paid to the game at hand tonight.

Huff -

The "Girlfriend" Card - "Seriously, guys. I have a girlfriend."

The "Broken Wingman" Card - "Go for it, dude. You can do it. I am not allowed to talk to a girl for any reason, even to help you, but you can do it, brah!

Joe Stapleton -

The "Hypocracy" Card - Bags on Huff, but behavior dictates a desire for a woman to jar his balls.

The "Balls to the Walls" Card - Honestly, it's about love of the game for this guy. Rejection or success matter little to him.

Jeff Madsen -

Hole Cards Unknown - He's young, and he's new. Who knows what this guy is holding?

So here's how the pre-flop action goes down:

Huff folds before he even gets the second card. He tries to get a refund for the tournament, but Jeffrey Pollack has him ejected.

I wasn't sure what we were in for. I was actually ok to just spend a night out with the guys, and didn't necessarily feel the need to try to pick up on chicks. Still, I already decided I was feeling good though, and I like the cards I have in front of me. I'd call an all-in for sure.

I telegraph this, by dumping $5 into the jukebox, thereby playing 22 songs in a row - carefully calculating their order by how drunk I think people will be by the time they play.

I then position myself in the booth in such a way that I could still chat it up if any femininas end up occupuying the table next door.

Rif limps. Madsen's game. And Sebok hasn't looked up from his text messages in a while, and doesn't seem to want to be in the action at all, but he's in the big blind, so he somehow ends up in the hand.

The Flop:

Lo and behold, three blondes walk in with a couple of jabronis. They're all pretty decent. Huff eventually postulates that one of them could have been an ex-Playmate**, and the guys are all clearly rich screenwriters. I start the action with a pot-sized bet by leaning over to tell the girls that DJ Joe is in the house, and to make sure they let me know if they enjoy my selections. Come On Feel The Noise, by Quiet Riot was playing at the time, and I figured I was about to take the pot down right there.

**Dear Alexandra -- Scott said no such thing. I hadn't used him in the story for a while, so I invented that bit for him to say. He loves you very much. I don't think he even noticed there were other girls in the bar. If he did, he certainly didn't make eye contact with any of them. Please let him leave the house again soon.

However, after much deliberation, Rif calls! He must really love the looks of his "Me Too" Card with conversations like this:

Blondie: I'm from Minnesota.
Rif: Oh yeah? I once saw a hockey game and one of the players was from Minnesota!

Moments later, Madsen is brought into the mix when Blondie tells him he looks like a younger, smaller version of her little brother. I gotta give the kid credit. Most people would have folded right there, but the kid hung in there, even though he was drawing pretty thin.

Sebok continued on with the hand in pretty much the only way he could have: two girls got right up in his face and gave him all the attention he needed. It didn't last long though, which brings us to...

The Turn:

No longer receiving double the pleasure, Sebok immediately checks out. I think he was trading stocks on that phone or something. Three players remain.

Blondie has since pulled me aside several times to tell me "I like you," and "You better dance with me later."

Rif, in an uncharacterstic move, realizes it's not happening and actually decides he's not going to bring me down with him. He moves on to her friends.

Two players remain.

Madsen suffers more "brother" comments, but refuses to give up. He calls for time.

Assuming he's about to fold, during "Er' body in the Club Gettin' Tipsy" I decide to kick back and take it easy. Play it cool. She's off dancing with her friends now, and I don't want to be the guy who's all up in her shit. It's about that time in the night when I just want to land a phone number. Nothing more. But I'm not going to chase it. I'm going to let her come to me.

For an unknown reason, Madsen stays in the hand. Unlike me, he's chasing something. Honestly, I don't even realize it at the time, because I'm not worried at all. I've got my money in with by far the best of it right now.

The River:

I stand up from my chair. I take a second to bask in my victory, and as I prepare to collect my winnings, I look up and see Jeff Madsen dart across the room, grab Blondie, put his hand behind her head and lay a big, fat, wet one right on her.

Meanwhile, I have flashbacks to this summer's WSOP, in which there was one tournament where Jeff Madsen got his money in, virtually drawing dead. Completely dominated, upon seeing his dire position, Madsen had only this to say:

"I have outs."

Boy, did he ever.

Now, all player-hating aside, I will say that, at first, she did not seem to be pleased with this situation, but eventually she just rolled with it.

That was it though. My hands were tied. He had made out with her. There was no where else for me to go without looking like a total douche.

What was I going to do?

"I know you just made out with my friend and everything but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to give me your number or maybe just to make out some more. You know. Like, with someone else."

There were no cards left to come. I had been rivered.

Typically, I'm pretty hard on myself about these things, but the whole situation made me realize this:

You can get two-outered in life.

No matter how much of an edge you've got,
no matter how much of a sure thing it is,
you can still get unlucky.

In the end, I have no hard feelings toward the kid. It was just a drunken night out. Sure, judging from the fact that we whispered Journey lyrics into each others' ears, she was probably my soulmate, but whatevs. That's what happens when you play the game. It's a tough pill to swallow. It was like losing with quads to a straight flush.

You think to yourself, "Alright, I got really unlucky. Not my bad. But DAMN, when am I ever going to get QUADS again??"

I had this attitude at first. When am I ever going to be in a bar again, and run into a drunken blonde with a big ass who' isn't too bright, is a horrible dancer, and is really into The Barenaked Ladies? When am I going to get my quads again??

And then I said to myself: "Self, you live in LOS ANGELES. The answer is: tonight."


So I posted this ad on Craig's List's personals:

"Barenaked Ladies fan seeking Quads."

I've gotten a ton of pictures so far! Some of them don't appear to be the best typers, but most of them love the Barenaked Ladies! Some of them are even actually pretty cute. I'm waiting to get some body shots, because for some reason, in every single picture, they're all sitting down...

Sad News...

I received some sad news on Thanksgiving Day.

It turns out my Grandmother was diagnosed with Alzhemier's Disease.

On a positive note, that makes one less person I have to worry about for Christmas, because now I can just get her the same thing I got her last year.

Joe Stapleton.
Turning "lemons into lemonade" since 1996.

Celebrity Lighting Rod in: Bottom Line, Urkel Could Still Kick Your Ass

Monday, December 18, 2006

Celebrity lighting has once again struck the Rod, this time in the form of a 90's sitcom star known for his iconic portrayal of a neighborly nerd. No, it's not Dustin Diamond a.k.a. Screech from Saved by the Bell - he's too busy making porn.

On Thursday night Rod decided to hit the town with a couple of his boys. Starting first with an uneventful trip to 3rd Stop in West Hollywood - where Rod and his friends paid homage to the reigning World Cup champs by downing a couple of Peroni's a piece - the crew eventually found themselves at trendy mid-city dive "The Dime" for an early nightcap.

After muscling their way to the back of the bar, the crew split up momentarily as Rod's friends hit the can while he ordered a round of Coronas.

Upon his return from the head, one of Rod's friends announced with boyish excitement. "Urkel's here. I saw him in the bathroom."

"Urkel? Jaleel White?" Rod replied.

"Yup," his friend responded, "he was standing right outside of the door when I came out."

Rod's other friend returned from the bathroom moments later, announcing, "You see...?"

"Urkel." Rod and his friend filled in the blank.

"Yeah," friend number two said. The crew shared a laugh.

As the crew relished the fact that they were sharing a small social space with a television icon, said icon turned the corner and posted up at the end of the bar right next to them.

"Clearly he's out as Stefan Urquel tonight," Rod remarked, after spying a bulked up White in chic attire. "It's funny to think that Urkel could kick your ass," Rod continued to one of his friends.

"Kick my ass?" The friend replied. "He couldn't kick my ass. His friends maybe."

"Look at him," Rod said. "He's jacked."

"I dunno...," the friend trailed off, trying to get a better look and in turn better handicap the fight of the century that was at least 5,000: 1 against ever happening.

Rod's other friend, took a quick peek, and then offered an affirmative head nod to Rod's assertion that clearly Urkel had the upper hand in a physical confrontation against friend #1.

The crew sat and pondered the thought for a moment as they watched Steve, Stefan, Jaleel, enjoying the fruits that the simple concession that he would have to go through life a famous nerd had provided him. He shouted out some girls who laughed and giggled with the thought that they were more than likely going to fuck Urkel - "Look, he's a famous actor..." The bartender paid him special attention, and the door man occasionally checked up on him to make sure that the "Did I do that?" quotient was low enough to keep him around.

The crew's microscope on Urkel had quieted their conversation. So Rod offered up this final conclusion:

"Bottom line, Urkel could still kick your ass."

It was unanimous, as was the crew's decision to leave. It was Urkel's bar, and besides, at least one of them had work the next day.

Botany Kills

Friday, December 08, 2006

An actual sign taped onto my across the street neighbor's door:

"If you steal my plants, you will be shot on sight."

Do I have a girlfriend? No. I don't eat the stumps.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Some people at work get mad when people don't eat the stumps. Everyone remembers that famous Seinfeld episode where they talk about how people only eat the tops of muffins and leave the stumps behind. Well, that happens in real life. Some people get mad when they see the stumps.

I don't.

Think about it this way: the rule usually goes, if you touch it, it's yours. So, that person eats the part of the muffin he or she wants, and the rest is left behind. It's better than throwing the second half away - then it's a total waste. At least this way, there's a chance someone might enjoy the leftovers in some way, even if it's just a bite or two.

This is pretty much how I feel about relationships these days. Relationships are muffins. The good part of the relationship - the first 6 - 8 months - is the muffin top. The excitement, the long phone conversations, the surprise e-mail, the first time you realize she's into being choked during sex - that's all in the top. Anything after that is the stump.

The muffin's still good, but it's the same taste you've been eating all the way since that giant top, and it's starting to get a little old.

And it's sort of undercooked.

And you think you just got some of the paper in your mouth.

Then you realize all of a sudden, that maybe if you leave what's left of the stump, someone can maybe still get some enjoyment out of it.

And low and behold - you look in the kitchen, and there's a whole BOX of different kinds of muffins. There are so many you haven't tried yet, and you're almost full! What are you going to do?

And then suddenly you think to yourself -

"Boy, that was really stupid for me to decide this was the only muffin I'm going to eat for the rest of my life before trying at least a few more, but, oh well, I really love this muffin. I think I love it. I mean, I do, I do. And I could be happy with it for the rest of my life. Well, I mean, I think I could. I'm sure I could. Yeah. Lemon poppyseed. Yup. I'm totally good on that for the rest of my life. Funny. I always kinda pictured myself with a banana nut, but who knew the lemon poppyseed would be this good? Sure, I never even attempted the banana nut, but I'm prefectly happy with this lemon poppyseed. I mean, it's no banana nut, but it's a lot better than that one with the weird cinammon swirls from college. I could live like this and be happy. I could live with this. I mean, who's going to want to eat this stump? Probably no one. I owe it to this muffin to stick it out because it's been so delicious in my belly. If I close my eyes and pretend really hard, it ALMOST TASTES LIKE A BANANA NUT. I think I need a glass of milk."

All's I'm saying, is that I don't have a problem when people leave the stumps. It's a part of life. People should have what they want. Don't feel bad for the muffin. The muffin knows what it's getting into. You did it some good. You showed it what it was like to really be appreciated.

Plus, the muffin's last boyfriend was a dick.