Schilling and Christ

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I am a die hard Red Sox fan and a fan of Curt Schilling's as well. However, I have a real problem with his apology to Barry Bonds. And I hate Barry Bonds.

Schilling's apology for his inflammatory remarks about Bonds, began, "The only perfect human to walk the face of the earth died a few thousand years ago, that much I know. I am far from perfect and make more than my share of mistakes, which is something I have no problem with because that’s part of being human."

I am a Jew, and so am not terribly offended by his invoking the name of his Lord in his apology. What I am, is just sickened by the hyperbole of it. You are a boneheaded baseball player making a boneheaded remark about another boneheaded baseball player. I am really struggling to see the comparison to Christ. Face it Curt. There is a list of about, I don't know, 1,000? 10,000? 1,000,000 less fallible people than you before you reach Jesus Christ.

How about, "Look, I'm no Wesley Autrey, but I'm not Lindsey Lohan either.

The real shit of it is, I think if Jesus were around today, he would completely dis on Barry Bonds, but I guess I agree with Curt in that he would probably be sure to keep his facts straight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish all obscure references were made as hyperlink. Kudos to you sir.

5:12 PM  

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